007 movies finished?

Could the James Bond film franchise possibly be finished? The new Entertainment Weekly magazine (Aug. 13, 2010) suggests that the James Bond franchise could be finished, along with Daniel Craig as agent 007. The article says Craig has already moved on after the 23rd Bond film was recently cancelled, signing up to do a new film called The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

But Bond films have had their financial troubles before, and long breaks between films are something Bond fans are no strangers to. E-Weekly quotes a former MGM exec who suggests the studio sells its stock in the Bond films. A comment from one reader says Craig is no good as Bond, and that Pierce Brosnan should be brought back.

Maybe the studio who makes the next Bond film should just cut the budget for special effects, high profile actors, and stick to good script writing. Early Bond films hold up to this day because of quality writing, not overly done CGI. Brosnan’s ridiculous glacial parasailing in Die Another Day (2002) was possibly the moment when Bond films “jumped the shark.”

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